Jekyll and Hyde are alive and kicking

Jekyll and Hyde

Once you quit smoking you’ll find that these two well-known characters will start having conversations in your head. Yeah, a bit like the good cop/bad cop. Here’s an example:

Hyde: “I feel great. I actually hate smoking now. I feel so fit. I can taste and smell better.”

But Jekyll has other ideas when the first cravings kick in: “Oh why torture yourself, surely you can have one cigarette. It won’t kill you. Why not quit in stages. Besides, it’s a great stress reliever and you’ll feel a lot better after a few puffs. Let’s face it, you actually love smoking so just smoke a few a day.”

The legendary Jekyll and Hyde continue fighting in their respective corners leaving you confused:

Jekyll: “C’mon, just one.”

Hyde: “Yeah but then I’ll have to buy a pack and one will lead to another. Sorry, I’m staying a non-smoker.”

Jekyll: “You don’t have a buy a pack of 20. Just buy 10.”

Hyde: “No thanks. I’m doing so well with quit journey. I’ve come all this way so I’m not turning back.”

These voices are actually your inner voices. They echo what you’re saying to yourself. Stay firm and positive and gradually they will go silent.

Curiosity Killed The Craving
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What is the book ‘Curiosity Killed The Craving’ about?

Time to end the struggle

This is a quit smoking book with a difference. It lets you look at cravings with a curious mind, making it a lot easier for you to manage the urge to smoke by staying in control.

What’s more, it’s been produced in a bite-size, easy to digest format. It’s only 58 pages. So it’s easy to carry and you can read it anywhere you wish – at the airport, in a restaurant, at work, on a train. Anywhere really.

Having smoked for over 40 years, I had tried all sorts of methods of quitting. But no matter what I tried, the cravings would always return to haunt me. All attempts to overcome cravings failed until I discovered a simple technique that helped me get the better of them.

In this no-nonsense book, I share what has worked for me and guide you through the process from preparing to quit, to the realities of the first few days without nicotine, to making positive lifestyle changes going forward.

It is full of practical tips and personal experiences. Quitting is never easy, but trust me, if I can do it anyone can. It’s a way to say goodbye to Mr. Nicotine for good.

Curiosity Killed The Craving
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