- Clearer lungs and better breathing
- More oxygen in your body ensures that blood flows better through your arteries
- Improved circulation
- Reduced risk of strokes and heart attacks
- Sharper sense of smell and taste
- Improved oral health—teeth and gums
- Fewer wrinkles on your face and skin
- Extra money in your wallet
- Better fitness and more energy
- Fresher breath, more sociably acceptable.
Exercise 4 – Strengthen your will power to say NO to smoking
Personify your craving. Give him or her a name. Call it Mr. Nic if you wish.
Talk to it each time it visits you.
Say hello but don’t entertain him.
Say you are busy now and if he could come back later.
This delays the urge to light up.
In reality, a craving starts with a thought, then turns into an emotion.
This emotion is expressed through a sensation or physical trigger.
Hence the urge to smoke.
Practice giving Mr. Nic the cold shoulder.
Hopefully, he will get the message and give up on you!
For more tips on how to finally quit smoking, read the book ‘CURIOSITY KILLED THE CRAVING’.