“Now is the time to get out of the toxic relationship with nicotine – quit smoking!”
Cravings come in waves – surf them!
This is a simple mental exercise that can bring amazing results.
Believe me, I have tried it and it works.
In fact, it has made managing cravings a lot easier.
I still practice it.
So here’s how it works… compare a craving with the movement of a wave.
It builds up and up, rising until it reaches the crest and then subsides, hits the shore, and ebbs.
If we observe and follow this movement like a surfer, you’ll find that you move with the energy of the wave and not against it.
There is no struggle.
The urge (or wave) will come back again and again but at least you are prepared for it.
Just allow the waves to wash over you.
For more tips on how to quit smoking, read the wonderful little book CURIOSITY KILLED THE CRAVING.