“Quitting smoking is like getting out of a toxic relationship. The sooner the better!”
Time to get curious about cravings
Curiosity is at the heart of quitting and is the central theme of this book.
It’s as simple as this – cravings or urges start with a thought that leads to body sensations.
You’ll notice that they occur in a certain context (or situation), which triggers off the need for a cigarette.
For example, if could be pressure at work, some good news in the family, an argument, a tense football match or even after sex or an unexpected reward.
Add to this the ordinary day-to-day situations, like a hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning, a drink at the pub, or a delicious meal.
These events or situations are the triggers that lead to you lighting up and then feeling relaxed or satisfied.
The crucial thing is how you respond to these triggers.
The tactic is to be curious about them and not try to fight or resist them.
Find out how to do this in the wonderful little book CURIOSITY KILLED THE CRAVING.