How curiosity helped me to quit smoking

Curiosity is at the heart of quitting

Since I made up my mind that I would finally quit smoking, it’s been a fascinating journey.

Fascinating because it has made me discover the wonders and power of my own mind.

I’ve been watching my mind with mind, so to speak.

It taught me to use curiosity in a positive way.

Today I feel new. I feel clean. I feel energetic. I feel in control.

More than anything, I feel proud of myself.

If a weak-willed person like me can do it, so can you.

Read more about my journey in the little book ‘Curiosity Killed The Craving‘.

Curiosity Killed The Craving
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Goodbye Mr. Nic

Goodbye Mr. Nic

It seems like only yesterday that I took my last puff just before I went to bed. I had set myself a challenge never to smoke again.

At 11 pm on that eventful night I happily dumped three packets of cigarettes, my legendary glass ashtray, and four lighters.

That was me giving Mr. Nicotine the push – I never wanted to see him again!

My journey ended with me writing the book ‘Curiosity Killed The Craving‘ about my experience and how I finally overcame the cravings.

Curiosity Killed The Craving
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