“Cigarettes increase your pulse rate and blood pressure.
So, can they really relieve stress?”
Time to get curious about cravings
“Cigarettes increase your pulse rate and blood pressure.
So, can they really relieve stress?”
This book, Curiosity Killed The Craving, offers you simple and effective ways to help you ‘kick the butt’ and say goodbye to Mr. Nic once and for all.
Without the fuss.
May it engage, entertain, and endear wannabe quitters to the practical tricks that these pages have in store for them.
Enjoy the journey.
“Would you fall in love with someone who’s out to kill you?
So why smoke?”
I love writing. Full stop.
I also love my tribe of scribes.
To me writing is an outlet.
It’s a personal thing that lets my inner voice be heard across a wider audience. It makes me feel connected.
This book is my little way of helping people live healthier lives.
Because smoking can eventually kill.
If this book, Curiosity Killed The Craving, can in any way help protect smokers from the fatal clutches of cancer and other horrific diseases – mission accomplished!
“Cigarettes are like a dragon that’s out to getcha.
So why feed the beast?”