Exercise 3 – Strengthen your will power to say NO to smoking

Exercise 3

It’s like giving your mind a workout. And the more you practice them the stronger your ability to say “NO”.

Pretend to be a non-smoker.

Look at your friends who don’t smoke.

See how confidently they say “No thanks” when offered a cigarette.

How proud they are to be non-smokers.

Observe how they are not dependent on a cigarette to feel at ease socially.

And, of course, their breath, hair and clothes don’t smell of smoke.

For more tips on how to finally quit smoking, read the book ‘CURIOSITY KILLED THE CRAVING’.

Curiosity Killed The Craving
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Know you Triggers

Know your triggers

You will see that certain situations, events and activities will set of the craving to smoke.

So, what you need to do is recognize them and then plan how to deal with them.

Some common triggers are:

  • With your coffee in the morning
  • After a good meal
  • Whilst watching TV
  • After sex
  • When you are happy or sad
  • Before and after a meeting

Of course, everyone is different so you may want to make your own list.

As a guide, make a note of who you hang out with, where you go, what you normally do.

That will help you plan ahead and anticipate the occasions to smoke.

Speak to your Doctor or someone in your clinic who will support you with Apps, Nicotine replacement Therapy (NRT) and other advice.

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Exercise 2 – Strengthen your will power to say NO to smoking

Exercise 2

It’s like giving your mind a workout. And the more you practice them the stronger your ability to say “NO”.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Think of all those things you have achieved in your life.

How at one time you thought you could not do it but then removed the mental blocks to conquer them.

Make a list of them starting with your childhood, through your teenage years and adulthood.

You need to develop an attitude.

You need to say, “Yes I’ve got this!”.

For more tips on how to finally quit smoking, read the book ‘CURIOSITY KILLED THE CRAVING’.

Curiosity Killed The Craving
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Exercise 1 – Strengthen your will power to say NO to smoking

Exercise 1 - Quit smoking

It’s like giving your mind a workout. And the more you practice them the stronger your ability to say “NO”.

Each time a craving comes along, don’t struggle with it.

Simply observe it.

Get curious about how it grows stronger and stronger then fades.

A bit like a wave that reaches its crest, then breaks and ebbs away. 

The truth is an average craving only lasts a few minutes.

So, if you watch it and not give in you win a little battle.

The more often you do this, the weaker they get.

For more tips on how to finally quit smoking, read the book ‘CURIOSITY KILLED THE CRAVING‘.

Curiosity Killed The Craving
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